Global solidarity can stop the violent evictions of tens of thousands of families
On March 31, the moratorium on evictions put in place during the pandemic will expire in Brazil. The Landless Workers Movement (MST) has identified 200 encampments and pre-settlement areas that are subject to eviction orders. Quilombolas, Indigenous areas and scores of urban tenants also face eviction. The Bolsonaro government and its rightwing allies are preparing to use both governmental forces and private militias to carry out evictions. The lives and wellbeing of more than 150,000 families, including 20,000 rural children alone, are at stake.
During the Covid pandemic, the MST has played a vital role in averting hunger by delivering over 6,000 metric tons of food from its settlements. The MST settlements under threat are sources of housing, food, biodiversity, and much more.
We don’t have the resources of the rural elites and their partners in finance capital who the MST are up against. But we have an even greater power — our unity and solidarity in struggle. Over the pandemic, international pressure has been key in reversing certain evictions — like when we joined together to beat back the eviction of the Luiz Beltrame de Castro settlement.
Grassroots International, Friends of the MST, and other international allies are joining the MST to fight for zero evictions. Be part of the movement by taking action today
Dear Sirs
I congratulate the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil on the decision to suspend all urban and rural evictions in Brazil during the pandemic.
All over the world, there are millions of people who are at risk of losing their homes and livelihoods due to repossession decisions that violate every human being's basic right to housing.
In the midst of a worldwide pandemic of this proportion, where many people lost jobs or lost income; where there has been an exponential increase in food insecurity worldwide; in addition to all the health issues involved, this court's decision set an example for courts around the world.
However, on March 31, 2022, the period of validity of ADPF - Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental nº 828 [ Argument for Breach of the Fundamental Precept No. 828] (ADPF 828) – expires. This suspension was requested by PSOL and other parties in Amicus Curie, including the Zero Eviction Campaign which deals with the suspension of urban evictions and evictions in rural areas during the pandemic. Since the Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet, and in addition, Brazil’s economic conditions have worsened, leading to a deterioration of social conditions for the most vulnerable, I ask that your Excellencies use sensitivity and extend the period of validity of ADPF 828, at least until the end of the pandemic.
If ADPF 828 is not extended, around 123,000 families in urban areas and 30,000 in rural areas in Brazil will be evicted and exposed a variety of violations of fundamental human rights, including the right to housing and the right to food. I draw your attention to the rights of children and adolescents to have a home. In the Brazilian countryside alone, around 20,000 children up to 12 years old may be evicted along with their families.
I also would like to emphasize the productive role that these rural areas have played, based on the collective production of healthy foods, through cooperatives, agroecology and the preservation of natural assets. It is from their sustainable production that these families obtain food for their livelihood, for income, and also for the solidarity actions they have carried out in various places throughout Brazil during the pandemic.
Finally, thank you for your attention. I am counting on the fulfillment and protection of the rights provided for in the Brazilian Constitution and we hope that this court will continue to be an example of respect for human rights for the whole world.
Thank you,
Dear Sirs,
I congratulate the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil on the decision to suspend all urban and rural evictions in Brazil during the pandemic.
All over the world, there are millions of people who are at risk of losing their homes and livelihoods due to repossession decisions that violate every human being's basic right to housing.
In the midst of a worldwide pandemic of this proportion, where many people lost jobs or lost income; where there has been an exponential increase in food insecurity worldwide; in addition to all the health issues involved, this court's decision set an example for courts around the world.
However, on March 31, 2022, the period of validity of ADPF - Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental nº 828 [ Argument for Breach of the Fundamental Precept No. 828] (ADPF 828) – expires. This suspension was requested by PSOL and other parties in Amicus Curie, including the Zero Eviction Campaign which deals with the suspension of urban evictions and evictions in rural areas during the pandemic. Since the Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet, and in addition, Brazil’s economic conditions have worsened, leading to a deterioration of social conditions for the most vulnerable, I ask that your Excellencies use sensitivity and extend the period of validity of ADPF 828, at least until the end of the pandemic.
If ADPF 828 is not extended, around 123,000 families in urban areas and 30,000 in rural areas in Brazil will be evicted and exposed a variety of violations of fundamental human rights, including the right to housing and the right to food. I draw your attention to the rights of children and adolescents to have a home. In the Brazilian countryside alone, around 20,000 children up to 12 years old may be evicted along with their families.
I also would like to emphasize the productive role that these rural areas have played, based on the collective production of healthy foods, through cooperatives, agroecology and the preservation of natural assets. It is from their sustainable production that these families obtain food for their livelihood, for income, and also for the solidarity actions they have carried out in various places throughout Brazil during the pandemic.
Finally, thank you for your attention, I am counting on the fulfillment and protection of the rights provided for in the Brazilian Constitution and we hope that this court will continue to be an example of respect for human rights for the whole world.
Thank you,
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